Water Heater Problems: ACCL Plumbing

Water Heater Problems: Most Common


A broken hot water heater can be caused by a variety of factors. It’s critical to know how to solve the problem, or at the very least how to describe it to a certified plumber. A water heater that isn’t operating could be the result of the pilot light turning out in the best-case scenario. If that’s the case, merely relighting it might be enough to fix the problem.


water heater


We have water temperature concerns, which is one of the most prevalent complaints about water heaters not working. This could be due to the water not heating up quickly enough or being far too hot. In most cases, all you have to do is go to the water tank and adjust the thermostat there. It’s possible that it was accidentally bumped, causing the temperature to shift. During the summer, it’s also typical to lower the temperature of the water tank to save energy. Increasing the temperature on your thermostat throughout the winter months will solve your problem. If the water does not heat up when the temperature is raised, you may have a defective thermostat. The thermostat must be replaced as a remedy.


water heater

Other common difficulties with water temperature changes that we’ve discovered include:

  • The water tank has a leak.
  • It’s possible that the gas control or burner unit has been damaged.
  • The heater’s efficiency is being harmed by mineral deposits.
  • The temperature-pressure relief valve has an issue.
  • The pieces can usually be replaced, such as the temperature-pressure relief valve.


If the tank, on the other hand, has a leak, it’s time to hire a professional to replace it. Attempting to solve these issues without the necessary tools and knowledge could result in personal injuries, more device damage, and even harm to your house. More importantly, it could result in natural gas leaking into your home, putting you and your family in grave danger.


Discoloured/Smelly Water

Water that is stinky or discoloured is another prevalent issue with water heaters.

To accurately diagnose, you should ask the following questions:

Is this something that’s been going on for a while?
Is this water coming from all of the house’s faucets?
Have you recently used the water?
Does the problem go away after a period of running the water?
Is this true for both hot and cold faucets?


If the problem is water discolouration, it’s most likely due to excessive mineral levels like iron and copper, which cause the pipes to corrode. Installing a water softening system in your home is a frequent solution. While this is not harmful to your health in the long run, it can cause issues with your plumbing system, which can compromise the functioning of your appliances. Scale forms in the system, forming deposits of ‘lime’ that can obstruct water flow in pipes (as well as shower heads and taps) and cause problems with the water heater, washing machine, and dishwasher. Installing a whole-house water filter or even a water softener can readily alleviate these problems.


The strong water odours coming from the faucet could be caused by a number of factors. Whether you think it’s the hot water tank, run the hot water for a few minutes to see if it’s the problem. If the water smells like rotten eggs or sewage, this could indicate that bacteria is growing inside the tank. When this happens, the first thing you should do is fully flush the water tank. If it doesn’t work, it’s possible that the anode rod has corroded and needs to be replaced. Garlic is another common odour, which indicates that the pilot light needs to be re-lit. Finally, if the odour is particularly strong, there may be a problem with the gas line. When this occurs, switch off the unit, air the area before leaving, and contact a plumber as well as the gas utility provider.


Loud Noises


Many people aren’t bothered by a noisy water heater, although it can be bothersome. A noisy water heater can be caused by a number of factors. Excessive mineral and sediment buildup, similar to water discoloration, could be producing the noise we hear. To prevent this from happening in the first place, flush your water heater on a regular basis, usually once a year. The sediment being burned by the heating element may cause the buildup, or your heating element may need to be replaced. It can eventually burn out and generate noises from within the machine as it deteriorates. If you hear a boiling sound, this is the sound of the unit overheating, which can lead to severe pressure buildup. In this instance, contact a specialist as soon as possible.


Faulty Water Heater


There could be a leak in your water heater if you’ve noticed a decline in water temperature. It is critical to determine the source and cause of the leak before attempting to remedy it. The following are some of the primary causes:

  1. Age
  2. Plumbing that has been installed incorrectly
  3. Inadequate upkeep
  4. Drain valve that isn’t working properly
  5. The tank’s pressure 


Water pools near the unit and can potentially be dripping from the unit or pipes leading to it, indicating a leak. In the case of loose valves, you can easily replace them or tighten them if they’re loose. If your water tank is corroded, you’ll need to replace it.


Damage Burner


A faulty gas control or burner is another common cause of a broken water heater. The burner of a water heater cannot function properly if it is unclean or non-functional, resulting in the water not heating up. The damaged gas control or burner assembly – also known as a thermocouple – must be replaced. If you try to relight the pilot light and none of the other problems listed above appear to be the cause, the thermocouple may need to be replaced. To guarantee that you do not cause any further harm, turn off the gas and the water before replacing the thermocouple. If you’re unsure, hire an expert to complete the task properly.




Need help finding the source of your water heater problem? Or have any questions about how to fix it? Rely on our plumbing experts at ACCL Plumbing call us your today!


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